The key to success is perseverance. Applying lotion and creams only once a week, no matter how good the product is, will not work the way you want it to. You must be vigilant and work on your hands each and every day in order to see results. I keep all my products on my bedside table, so I see them before I go to bed. They remind me to keep up my routine of moisturizing my hands every day.
The first thing I do for my cuticles is remove the dead skin around it. There are many misconceptions around removing the cuticle. I did some research prior to this post and this is what I read... The true cuticle is the dead skin between the base of your nail and your finger. This part can be safely removed. What you shouldn't touch is the eponychium, the live part of the skin between the nail and finger. The eponychium is usually clear and colourless, while the true cuticle is often a stark white when dry. To remove the cuticle, I use a gentle cuticle remover to soften and loosen the dead skin. There are many brands out there on the market and they can be easily found at beauty supply stores or the drugstore. I have used one from Orly and the popular on from Sally Hansen, the Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover. I only remove my cuticles every one or two weeks. I push my cuticles back with my thumbnail after showering, when they are soft and malleable, which keeps them in pretty good condition.
Every night before bed, I apply hand cream and cuticle oil. The products I'm liking at the moment is the Garnier Body Repair Reparative Balm and my own cuticle oil. I'll make another post soon about how I make my own cuticle oil, and why I prefer my own over store bought ones. Anyways, I usually apply the oil around my cuticles and under my nails, rubbing it in with a circular motion. I then wait a few minutes for the oil to absorb before using the hand cream. I prefer hand creams that are thicker because they seem to lock in the oil better than thin body lotions.
That is basically what I do to keep my hands and nails looking their best. Obviously, you may have to modify my method to suit you and your body chemistry, as this is just what I do.